The Revolution in Home Battery & Solar Electronics

The Revolution in Home Battery & Solar Electronics

 The Energy Show · The Revolution in Home Battery & Solar Electronics – SolarEdge Interview Prt 1 You don’t have to be a Boomer to remember the days of simple DC wire connections to string inverters. For the most part, these times are long gone. Since 2010,...
Which Solar Panels Should I Buy?

Which Solar Panels Should I Buy?

 The Energy Show · Which Solar Panels Should I Buy? It’s no surprise that this is the most common question, since the solar panels themselves are the biggest cost component of a typical rooftop system. But I’m not going to give you the single “Best Panel”...
Solar for Commercial Buildings

Solar for Commercial Buildings

The Energy Show · Solar for Commercial Buildings Every time I fly into a city the glare from bright white commercial rooftops screams out to me “I need solar panels.” It is a little known fact that the 30% solar investment tax credit coupled with 20%+ depreciation...
Which Solar Panels Should I Buy?

Which Solar Panels Should I Buy?

The Energy Show · Which Solar Panels Should I Buy? The most common question people ask about rooftop solar is: “What solar panels should I buy.” Unlike buying a car — which people do every 5 or 10 years — people buy solar panels only a few times in their life. But...